The virtue of positive disillusionment is when you realize the ego will never be fulfilled. Nobody has ever been fulfilled as an ego. Everyone hopes to be fulfilled at some point in their lives as the ego and may have some temporary experiences of fulfillment, but for the most part ego’s are always looking for fulfillment in their future. Even billionaires are not fulfilled. You would think they would be, but do they look happy and fulfilled to you? You can see them on TV running for president, etc. Perhaps when they become president they will feel fulfilled, but even the current president doesn’t look happy or fulfilled. Why can the ego not be fulfilled and live happy ever after. It is because in Reality it does not exist. It is an illusion as the ancient scriptures say. Furthermore we all know we will die at sometime. Could be tomorrow for all we know. No guarantees here.
There is no separate one inside you. As Eckhart himself said he could no longer live with himself at age 29. When he looked within to find out who this separate self was he could not find any such one and fell into the happiness or presence that is always already the case, prior to the presumption of a separate self and he remained there while the feeling of the presence became stronger and more constant in him as consciousness.
Rather than waiting until we die, why not surrender the separate self or ego Now since it is an illusion in any case. Surrender to the Now or Present moment or Consciousness Itself or Reality Itself Now and in every moment. Rather than constantly worrying about the future or dwelling on the past surrender to the Now moment in every moment. Be Here Now. It is the prior or native condition and is always already the case. Prior to the activity and concerns of the ego or mind. Consciousness Itself which is Happiness Itself is always already the case regardless of what is arising.